17 June 2020

We have had to make a few changes to the way we run our practice. This means your next experience with the practice may be a little different. But these new measures are designed with your health and wellbeing in mind.

What to Expect:

Before the day of your appointment We’ll call you 24 hours before to conduct a pre-visit questionnaire – so we can make sure you have no COVID-19 symptoms and we can treat you safely.

Before you enter the practice, please let us know immediately via practice (telephone number) or via practice (email) if you have developed any symptoms or have come into contact with anybody that may have COVID-19 in the 72 hours since completing your medical and dental questionnaire or if you feel in any way unwell.

Please shower and wear clean, light and easily washable clothing that has not been worn elsewhere. We will recommend that this clothing is washed immediately after you get home. You should arrange to go directly home from the practice and not visit anyone.

Please do not wear heavy make-up or jewellery. Small stud earrings and a wedding band are acceptable but please minimise all make-up and jewellery as much as possible.

Please tie your hair back if you have long hair. Please ensure that you have thoroughly brushed your teeth as normal before attending and that your mouth is as clean as possible.

Please don’t arrive too early or be late for your appointment. You must not enter the practice as we maintain a closed-door practice at this time. You must remain outside the practice until you are requested to come in, a team member will call you when it’s time for you to come into the practice.

Please don’t bring anyone else into the practice with you unless necessary. Exceptions include a parent/guardian of children under 18 years old, or a carer. Please bring as little belongings with you as possible. This limits the risk of any contamination. Inside the practice we’ve adjusted our waiting areas and spaced out appointments – so you can maintain safe social distancing. You must clean your hands using the antibacterial gel provided as soon as you enter the practice. Our staff will also be wearing appropriate PPE to ensure your safety.

Please try and maintain a 2m distance from the reception desk and avoid touching the desk. We’ll ask you some arrival questions to confirm the information you gave in the pre-visit call. We’ll check your temperature using a non-contact thermometer. If it is deemed too high, your appointment will be rescheduled for a later date. We’ll ask you to keep all belongings with you and avoid leaving the waiting area until you are collected for your appointment. Please be aware patients' bathrooms are closed.

Your Dental Procedure:

All dental staff will be using personal protective equipment in line with current recommendations and evidence.

We apologise in advance for the necessary reduction in social interaction that this will necessitate.

Whilst our masks may make us appear impersonal and distant, please be assured we are still the same friendly team underneath it all! We are especially mindful that many dental treatments use aerosol-generating procedures (AGP’s).

It is difficult for us to carry out some dental procedures without generation of some level of aerosols. Aerosols suspended in the air are theoretically a source of infection which we obviously wish to keep to a minimum.

Currently, dental literature suggests:

  • Use of our normal high volume suction reduces aerosol production by over 90%

  • The use of a dental rubber dam, where possible, reduces bio aerosols by a further 30 to 90%

  • Our regular surgical face masks filter approximately 60% of remaining airborne particles

  • FFP2 and FFP3 masks filter 94% and 99% respectively of airborne particles in both directions (patient to clinician and clinician to patient).

We therefore feel that our normal dental procedures can be carried out with minimal risk by using high volume suction, rubber dam when appropriate, surgical and FFP2 or FFP3 masks for aerosol generating procedures.

After your appointment To keep you safe,we’ll ask you to use contactless payment instead of cash wherever possible. You can book any future appointments or follow-ups with our receptionist. If within 14 days of your appointment you begin to develop any symptoms of possible COVID-19, such as a high fever or a new continuous cough, you should contact the practice to inform them and follow the appropriate self-isolation advice.

If you feel you may have COVID-19, such as a high fever or a new continuous cough, you should contact the practice to inform them and follow the appropriate self-isolation advice.